Praezisa Rapid 3000 - Musikvideo „Future Whales (in Deep Seas at Night)“
Für das elektronische Trio aus Leipzig „Praezisa Rapid 3000“ entstand dieses Musikvideo.
Meine Hommage an die Schönheit des Ozeans!
» Nothing but hope and passion music & culture magazine
» Golden Ride Boardsport-Magazin für Frauen
Idee, Regie, Kamera, Schnitt, Animation, Farbkorrektur
Daniela Atanassow
Kamera crocfrizz, Peter Behrbohm, Sebastian Löffler, silvers
Produktion ViDEOGRUPPE
Musik Praezisa Rapid 3000
"Future Whales (in Deep Seas at Night)"
"Thin Air Bottled to Garbage Cans" (Intro & Outro)
Doumen Records
NBHAP by Norman Fleischer
"German electronica project PRAEZISA RAPID 3000 just released a brand new music video for their song Future Whales (In deep seas at night). It’s a song from their most recent longplayer with the cryptical name 314159265. A record we highly recommend to all fans of eclectic electronic beats. The easy floating charachter of the track now comes with perfectly fitting images of beaches and surfers in the form of this collage which was done by Daniela Atanassow."